Peace, Love, Joy & Gratitude

Wow, these sure seem to be troubled times we are living in. There is a lot of negative energy being generated. It seems like the number of people getting on the “hate train” is increasing. History shows us that division and separation of people has never produced positive effects. I know this seems to be a problem too big to solve. Let me remind you that the solution is within your reach. The best way to solve a problem is one step at at time. I find I often come back to this saying by my mentor Mary Morrissey, “What one step can I take today that will move me in the direction of my goal?” Baby steps work just fine. Baby steps start with your thoughts. Your thoughts are either positive or negative. They either empower you or weaken you. Your choice.

Another really interesting thing about your thoughts is they have a creative vibration or creative energy. The more positive the thought the higher the vibrational energy. Believe it or not your thoughts are very powerful and not just in your head. Thoughts immediately go out into the flow of energy swirling around – all around the universe. Remember energy never disappears; it only changes shape. Your thoughts are energy so the same rule applies always.

Now if you are reading my blog you are probably someone who realizes life is meant for living not just surviving. You shouldn’t be surprised that I am nudging your thoughts to the positive side of the spectrum. So often we feel ineffective when it comes to the change we would like to see in our lives, community, nation, and world. I am here to tell you that you are not ineffective, in fact, you are very powerful and your thoughts affect EVERYONE else.  It is scientifically proven.

I was introduced to Dr. David R. Hawkins and his book Power vs. Force, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer in his book The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way. In it Dr. Hawkins writes: “In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our private world improves the world at large for everyone. We all float on the collective level of consciousness of mankind, so that any increment we add comes back to us. We all add to our common buoyancy by our efforts to benefit life. It is a scientific fact that what is good for you is good for me.”

Dr. Dyer also shares some conclusions Dr. Hawkins came to in his second book The Eye of I: “Through his precise kinesiological testing for truth versus falsehood, he’s calibrated the approximate number of people whose energy is at or below the level that weakens [approximately 87%]. I’d like you to consider his findings and conclusions relative to your impact on civilization. Dr. Hawkins suggests that it’s crucial for each of us to be aware of the significance of raising our frequency of vibration [positive thoughts] to the level where we begin to match up with the energy of the universal Source, or in other words, make our connection to the power of intention.”

Dr. Dyer goes on to point out the effectiveness of “counterbalancing” and the results of additional research Dr. Hawkins has done. “One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgemental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.”  

Read that again: “One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be nonjudgemental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.”

Take a moment and let that sink in. Talk about being empowered! Now when you think “What one step can I take today that will move me in the direction of my goal?” realize the power of your intention. Seriously you can immediately begin to change the state of our world consciousness of fear, judgement and greed just by smiling more often, saying “Thank you” as many times as you can remember, doing random acts of kindness daily and affirming Peace, Love, Joy & Gratitude. You decide what you will think and how you will act. And the brilliant thing about this is that no one can take this power away from you.

So I hope that you are beginning to realize that what seems to be the state of affairs in your life is all in your head. Change the way you think and you will start to see a change in the world you live in.

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