Within Your Reach

So often we look at our lives and feel stuck. We look back on our decisions and think the dye has been cast and nothing can change, when actually it can. Every day is a brand new day full of potential and life-changing energy. The past is gone and the future is our next “now”. All we really have is the present moment and the choice to acknowledge that whatever we desire is within our reach if we choose to take action. My mentor, Mary Morrissey, taught me to ask this question: “What one step can I take today that will move me in the direction of my dream?”

As you begin to realize that your desires are within your reach, you may find yourself bumping up against some comfort zones that may not serve you anymore. Things that you thought were important suddenly seem inconsequential. It may be time to re-evaluate how you have been living your life. But change is scary. Change is difficult or so we tell ourselves.

So now what you have always known is no longer working; but moving in a different direction seems impossible. You worry that everyone will think you are crazy if you make a change. So you choose to not share your dream and the unhappiness sets in. You begin to feel all alone. Before you know it, you realize that you have actually isolated yourself.

A major reason we do not create the life we long for is we think we have to do it alone. It shouldn’t surprise us that we feel the heaviness of procrastination and self doubt. Where’s the encouragement? Where’s the constructive criticism that stretches our limits? Where’s the support? But isn’t asking for help a sign weakness? NO! Seeking support is a sign of courageous strength. And I’m here to tell you that support is all around and waiting for you to act.

As a life coach I set out to do all I can to support you while you make your dreams and desires come true. I have branded my support Within Your Reach! I coach and/or direct you to ideas, information, tools, and products that can help you reach your goals. However, no matter what I offer, it is up to you to realize that anything, ANYTHING, you seek to create in your life is within your reach, and to connect with it you must take action. I cannot do it for you. It is up to you.

“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.”

-from Walden, by Henry David Thoreau

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